Legend Hockey COVID-19 Protocols
Player and coach safety is our priority.
As you may be aware, the SCHEELS IcePlex has been safely operating and following state and local guidelines since the COVID-19 outbreak in March. The SCHEELS IcePlex has set forth strict safety procedures that program participants are required to follow.
We will continue to monitor and follow state & local COVID-19 regulations throughout the summer, as well as follow specific sanitation and safety protocols set forth by the SCHEELS IcePlex.
We hope everyone shares our appreciation of this opportunity to get on the ice and train safely, and will please respect the following protocols.
For participation in Legend Hockey programming and the SCHEELS IcePlex facility, please read and follow the instructions below.
Non-compliance to these rules will result in being dismissed from the program without refund.
View guidelines here: https://www.scheelsiceplex.com/